Design and preparation of high-performance high entropy alloy anti-cavitation erosion coating in marine environment
稿件编号:62 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2024-10-14 10:59:43
Propulsion systems such as propellers serving in marine environments often experience accidents where they break and sink to the seabed due to severe cavitation erosion (CE) damage. Therefore, there is an extremely urgent need for high-performance anti-CE materials. High entropy alloys (HEA) have a wider design space in terms of phase composition and microstructure, and excellent mechanical properties. Recently, we first found that the surface of amorphous alloys recrystallized under cavitation heat, which strongly proved that the cavitation heat effect mainly originated from the high temperature released by bubble collapse. Then, by optimizing thermodynamic and topological parameters, we designed and prepared a single FCC phase structure Al10Cr28Co28Ni34 HEA coating with low stacking fault energy using thermal spray technology. We studied the response behavior of the HEA coating under the coupled action of cavitation heat and cavitation load, revealed the kinetic mechanism of grain growth, proposed a new CE mechanism under the force-heat coupling action, and provided a brand-new approach for the structural design of anti-CE HEA. Based on this, the influence of seawater temperature on the corrosion and CE-corrosion performance of Al10Cr28Co28Ni34 HEA coating was explored. Using a high-speed camera, the effect of seawater temperature on bubble pulsation behavior was studied. It was found that as the seawater temperature increased, the CE-corrosion resistance of the coating showed a trend of first decreasing and then increasing. This is closely related to the increase in the thickness of the oxide/passivation film, the increase in the size of the bubble, and the increase in the time required for bubble collapse.
thermal spray,high entropy alloy,cavitation erosion
国梁 侯
昊博 曹